New at BCH:
Food Shower Thank you!
Thank you to all the churches and individuals who gave to our Annual Food Shower!
Remembering Our Founder, Marie Francis Irish
We honor the memory of our founder Marie Francis Irish. We are so grateful for her life spent in service to children in need.
How our Gardens Grow!
Our houseparents love to garden. It stretches the household grocery budget.
Camp Thank you!
As summer is ending and school is beginning, our children in care have all returned from camp. They had a great more about their fun at camp!
Count-down to Bike-a-thon!
It's just 19 days until our 35th annual Bike-a-thon! The Bike-a-thon raises funds to care for children in the US, India, Liberia, Myanmar, and Nepal. Our families are checking their bikes, going on practice rides, and asking friends to sponsor them in the event.
It won't be easy, but it will be a joy...
Jake and Tracy have been BCH houseparents in St. Louis, Michigan for over a year. God has used their love for children in many different ways for much of Jake and Tracy’s lives until they felt His call to be houseparents. “It’s the most...
“All alone…come”
My two-year old granddaughter reminded me that God said that it is not good for man to be alone. My wife and I have enjoyed the various stages of life. You have heard,
Our Source of Wisdom & Strength
We are learning more and more to depend on the strength God gives us when we ask, but sometimes we realize we have started acting as if we are sufficient in our own strength. With this mindset we are sure to fail. So please pray with us that we would wholly rely on God to be our source of wisdom and strength as we work inside and outside of the group homes.