New at BCH:
Miles of Compassion 2020 Update
THANK YOU to all who supported our children and staff as they completed their Miles of Compassion (MOC) goals.
Ready for Rainy Season!
Our GEM Home in Myanmar received new school supplies, uniforms, and umbrellas. Housefather Pau Gin told us, “The children only have one
Project Sewing Machine -- a stitch in time
Our partners need a total of 15 sewing machines. The average cost is
Harvest 2020
Some harvests come right when you expect them. When you are working with children, the harvest time may take longer than you would expect or like. We are seeing the “harvest”
Corona Virus Update
During this pandemic I wanted to update you on our children and families in the U.S., India, Myanmar, and Liberia.
Valentine 2020
Read how housedad, Billy demonstrated the “concept of loving servant leadership”.
VBS 2018 Report
“It’s amazing for us! We never thought we would have furniture like this!”