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Miles of Compassion 2020 Update
THANK YOU to all who supported our children and staff as they completed their Miles of Compassion (MOC) goals.
Ready for Rainy Season!
Our GEM Home in Myanmar received new school supplies, uniforms, and umbrellas. Housefather Pau Gin told us, “The children only have one
FUNDED! Thank you! Myanmar Home
Currently the 17 children living in this home are in need of a new home. We will build a new home to replace the current one in the city of Kalaymo. It is the closest city to Tedim and will offer more opportunities for the children.
FUNDED! Thank you! Hope Home - Tile
Our Hope Home in Churachandpur, India is in need of new tile flooring. The floor is currently concrete, but needs to be upgraded for durability, maintenance, and comfort. 43 boys live in the Hope Home. Thank you for generously giving to this need!
VBS 2018 Report
“It’s amazing for us! We never thought we would have furniture like this!”
Siloam Home Report
This building is more than a safe place for children. It represents hope for this community.
Update! Sarah's Kitchen
DING! It's done! Thank you to everyone who gave to make this project complete!